
Out House Training Aid For Puppies – 500 ml


SKU: OUT-0001714 Categories: , ,
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Housetraining aid for puppies is formulated with natural pheromones that encourage pets to urinate. Simply spray the product in the area where you would like your pet to do his business and then take your pet to the area. It may take a couple of times, but when he performs, praise him to let him know you’re pleased. Whether your pet was successful the first time or it takes several times, you’ll want to take him back to the area often, especially upon eating, drinking and waking up.Can be used indoors or outdoors.


Encourages pets to eliminate in specific areas
Helps shorten housebreaking training time
For indoor and outdoor use
Formulated with natural pheromones
Safe around pets and children


Quantity – 500 ml
Instructions – Spray a small amount of product onindoor or outdoor areas where you would like your pet to urinate. Allow your pet to sniff the Spot and prise him when he preforms. Continue the traing process by adding an additional application and bringing your pet back to the spot often, especially after drinking,eating, playing or napping. The length will depend on your individual pet.
Ingredients – Purified Water, Blend of fatty acids and PH adjuster
Storage – Store in cooly dry place

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